Voluntary recalls of children's wear by CURLYSUE

Pubdate : 2016-06-29 Source : Unknow Writer : CIRS
CURLYSUE, a Shanghai company, has notified Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision of a recall plan for records in accordance wtih Administrative Measures on Defective Consumer Products. It intends to recall 33 units of CURLYSUE denim dresses (type No. SLS1GAOP13) manufactured during 31 December 2015 to 23 April 2016 since 24 June 2016.

These children’s wear are recalled due to their pH values which exceed the normal scope of human skin.

The pH value of human skin is usually mildly acidic (between 5.5 and 7.0). Where pH value of textiles exceeding the limit, it damages the surface environment of the skin which easily induces itches, bacterial infraction and even dermatitis.

CURLYSUE is going to refund for or replace other products of similar values for the recalls of such products. Recall notifications will be publicised in the stores. It is advisable that customers who have bought such products should stop using them.


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Laura Ho
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