10 August 2021
Clicks 2123Tags: Cosmetic
CIRS group is pleased to announce the launch of China CosIng, a Chinese Cosmetic Ingredient Regulatory Database that allows domestic and overseas cosmetic companies and ingredient suppliers to quickly search whether a cosmetic ingredient or substance is listed in the latest version of the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC 2021 edition) and whether it is restricted or prohibited in cosmetic products placed on Chinese market. The following regulatory l ...
14 July 2021
Clicks 1154Tags: RASFF
April – June 2021, the European Commission validated 1120 RASFF notifications , including 1003 notifications on food, accounting for 89.55%; 56 notifications on feed, accounting for 5%; 61 notifications on food contact materials (FCMs), accounting for 5.45%. 28 of the FCM products are from China, accounting for 45.90%. The prime hazards for FCMs are migration of elements. There are more details on FCM notifications as below: Date Reference Notified by Product Subject Actio ...
9 July 2021
Clicks 1055Tags: SVHC
8 Jul. 2021, ECHA has added 8 substances into the Candidate List of SVHCs. The Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) now contains 219 substances that may have serious effects on people or the environment. Eight substances added to the Candidate List for authorisation: Substance Name EC No. CAS No. Reason for Inclusion Examples of Uses 2-(4-tert-butylbenzyl)propionaldehyde and its individual stereoisomers - - Toxic for reproduction (Article 57 c) Cleaning ...
30 June 2021
Clicks 749Tags: Toy
4 June 2021, the European Commission has released the Directive (EU) 2021/903 regarding specific limit values for aniline in certain toys. The new entry is as follows: Substance CAS No. Limit Value Aniline 62-53-3 30 mg/kg after reductive cleavage in textile toy material and leather toy material 10 mg/kg as free aniline in finger paints 30 mg/kg after reductive cleavage in finger paints’ The provisions will apply from 5 December 2022. If you have any needs or questions, pl ...
28 June 2021
Clicks 849Tags: Authorisation
18 June 2021, the European Commission has submitted a notification on amending Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation and proposed to include 5 additional substances into the REACH Authorization List. These five substances are: Entry No. Substance Intrinsic property(ies) referred to in Article 57 Lastest Application Date Sunset Date Exempted Uses 55 Tetraethyllead EC No.: 201-075-4 CAS No.: 78-00-2 Toxic to Reproduction (Category 1A) 18 months after entry into force of this amend ...
15 June 2021
Clicks 962Tags: SVHC
1 Jun. 2021, European Union has proposed to identify resorcinol (CAS No.: 108-46-3, EC No.: 203-585-2) and submitted G/TBT/N/EU/803 notification to WTO. France submitted to the European Chemicals Agency on 25 Feb. 2020, a dossier for the identification of resorcinol as a substance of very high concern due to its endocrine disrupting properties. However, as the Member State Committee did not reach unanimous agreement on the endocrine disrupting properties of resorcinol, this ...
27 May 2021
Clicks 711Tags: RoHS
20 Apr. 2020, the European Commission officially released the Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2021/647 to amend the Annex III to Directive 2011/65/EU regarding the exemption of the use of certain lead and hexavalent chromium compounds in electric and electronic initiators of explosives for civil (professional) use. The amendments will continue to be effective until 20 Apr. 2026. The following entry 45 is added: 45 Lead diazide, lead styphnate, lead dipicramate, orange le ...
26 May 2021
Clicks 752Tags: FCM
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently added seven new substances to its Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substances (FCS) Notifications. The newly listed substances and the manufacturers are listed below. FCN No. Food Contact Substance Manufacturer/Supplier Effective Date 2112 An aqueous mixture containing peroxyacetic acid (CAS Reg. No. 79-21-0), hydrogen peroxide (CAS Reg. No. 7722-84-1), acetic acid (CAS Reg. No. 64-19-7), and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-dip ...
18 May 2021
Clicks 918Tags: Paint
According to the "Order of the General Administration of Customs. P.R.China" (No. 238, No. 240) and the "Announcement of the General Administration of Customs. P.R.China" (No. 34 of 2018), manufacturers, importers or import agents of Imported Paints (Hereinafter referred to as the filing applicant) may apply to the filing agency for the filing of imported paints as needed. The operation process is as follows: 1. Apply for filing The filing application should be submitted to ...
30 April 2021
Clicks 1115Tags: REACH POP
Recently, ECHA Enforcement Forum agreed that its major enforcement project planned for 2022 (REF-10) will focus on integrated controls of consumer products. The Forum agreed that inspectors will be able to check whether products comply with many different restrictions for hazardous substances under REACH and POPs. Specific types of material such as rubber, plastic or textiles, are subject to the duties under REACH and POPs. In this way each product can be controlled by sever ...
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