China RoHS
China RoHS, restricted substances, testing, electrical, electronic
C&K Testing can provide one-stop solutions to China RoHS services integrating consulting, testing and certification....
2011/65/EU,RoHS,electrical and electronic equipment, hazardous substances, cadmium, mercury, lead, hexavalent chromium, phthalates, PBBs, PBDEs, BBP, DBP
C&K Testing renders professing testing services for RoHS to help you with EU regulatory compliance....
China FCMs Testing (GB)
China, food contact materials, FCMs, regulations, legislation, food contact additive,testing, identification
Testing food and food contact materials is one of our testing services....
gb testing, China market access, China regulatory compliance testing, cosmetics
C&K Testing renders professing testing services for cosmetics....
European Authorised Representative (EAR)
According to the "EU Market SurveillanceRegulation 2019/1020": From July 16, 2021, when a manufacturer locatedoutside European Union exports products with the CE marking to the territory ofEU, it is necessary to designate a natural or legal person in the EU as theEuropean Authorised Representative of the manufacturer. Then, the authorisedrepresentative will represent the non-EU manufacturer to communicate with thecompetent authorities of EU Member States on related product co...