物质名称 | 限制条件 |
全氟辛酸(PFOA) CAS号: 335-67-1 EC号:206-397-9 包括盐类和其他相关物质 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, CAS 335-67-1, EC 206-397-9), including its salts and any other substance having linear or branched perfluoroheptyl derivatives with the formula C7F15- as a structural element, including its salts except those derivatives with the formula C7F15-X, where X= F, Cl, Br and any other substance having linear or branched perfluorooctyl derivatives with the formula C8F17- as a structural element, including its salts, except those derivatives with the formula C8F17-X, where X= F, Cl, Br or, C8F17-SO2X', C8F17-C(=O)OH or C8F17-CF2-X' (where X'=any group, including salts) |
1. 不允许生产、使用或将其投放于市场中: -作为物质; -作为其他物质的成分,每单种物质的含量等于或大于2ppb; -每单种物质在某种混合物中的含量等于或大于2ppb。 2.产品或产品部件中所含单种物质含量等于或大于2ppb,不得投放于市场中 3.第1段和第2段中的规定自条目生效起18个月后实施 4.第2段不适用于于法规生效前已到达最终用户手中的二手产品。 1. Shall not be manufactured, used or placed on the market - as substances, - as constituents of other substances in concentrations equal or above 2 ppb of a single substance, - in a mixture in concentrations equal or above 2 ppb of a single substance 2. Articles or any parts thereof containing one of the substances in concentrations equal to or greater than 2 ppb of a single substance shall not be placed on the market. 3. Paragraph 1 and 2 shall apply from (18 months after entry into force). 4. By way of derogation, paragraph 2 shall not apply to the placing on the market of second-hand articles which were in end-use in the European Union when the restriction becomes effective. |
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